Friday, January 9, 2009

Jakarta Rules!!

So its waaaaaaaaay over the due date, but what the hey! I got a new line. Re-updated my PC, and so... I can BLog AgaiN! So keeping mua-self up to date, I just have to do myself a favour and not sloth around the house (and play R.O.), so maybe uploading a few photos would be nice! (Besides... the blog's never been touched for over a year. WTH!?)
Title: The Indo-Experience
Prelude: It wasn't called for, and I'm not totally satisfied by it at first, but being there changed my mind. Seriously.

Jakarta - Modern rite?

Ahhh yes... The city of Jakarta.... Not what you would expect it to be. (Cuz I've shamelessly took the image off Google. xD) I won't go on and on about how cool the airport was and 'It started with a rainy day' or 'What!! Not KLIA?!!' or the fact that we had to cramp ourselves in a van (including luggage) and travel somewhat 60-70 km to 'Subang International Airport' to Bandung, Indonesia. It was stuffy and all, but it was good to meet my old friend, Jo Yee again. (She hasn't changed a bit, still jovial. xD). And... of course I had to share the whole experience with an old 'pal'... *ahem* chee *ahem *kar*... and the ever quiet Bryan. SO! Like I said.... A couple of hours of chit-chat, jokes, and watching Jo Yee and my sisters play some funny game on Chee Kar's PSP (the game featured some cute yellow glob which bounced around, so you had to press it to make it rotate... Instead, the players did all the rotating, which was damn funny) and we were there.

The van... Gilerly small...

When I arrived at the terminal, I was seriously jaw dropping... In KLIA we had loooong air-conditioned terminal where we would wait and watch tv, play catch and snooze on the automatic passenger conveyers. Subang's was... empty... We had to walk.. literally... to the plane. I'm not saying its bad... its only the WALKING... and the SWEATING... and the dampness of the floors... and the WALKING... *mumble*

Even the plane ride was tedious. For all the ticket's worth, we were placed, at the lassssst position, no. 24 and 25.... just next to the (you guessed it) loo. =.='' Air Asia sure knows how to treat its passengers. The perfect experience for your senses. **** But, the service was astounding, and we spend loads of time watching the brilliant blue skies and its clouds develope into a myriad of shapes and sizes to pay any attention. At that moment, the girls were.. well... still on the yellow glob.

So, later that afternoon, we arrived. Welcome to Bandung! The airport terminal was small and pact, but it was difernet. Totally different. The very first impression was ot the small houses or the cracks on the roofs or the lack of higways and sky-scappers. It was the lush greenery. It seemed taht a country that I've always thought to be under-developed to be more appealing to the eye than polluted ole-KL. So dangling our posessions, we were greeted by an ever freindly tour guide, Mister Devo. He took us up to his van, which at the very moment was the best looking one around. Chee Kar and I indulged in that fact untl the engine started. Five splutters, two chokes and a dozen puffs later, the van wobbled, and we were on our way. I LMAO-ed.

The journey was pleasing, as the tour guide began rambling about the history and culture of such a beautiful country. Ok.. so I wasn't paying attention. The scenery out the window was just awesome. Every where you turn, there is green. Trees. Shrub. Bush. Trees. Shurb Bush. It just seemed to me like civilisation and nature merging into one.

I seriouly won't and don'y and couln't go all the way, so I'll just place in a few highlights. One of the first palces was the Smoking Volcano. OOOh... Sweet~ Here's a picture of it.

Yup.. Smokin Volcano....

You know beautiful when you see it. It was a sight to behold. Notice that it's still bellowing thick smog from its tip. Apparently, the volcanos not entirely dead yet. It's still active, only asleep. The cooled lava made its surroundings perfect for agriculture. As a plus-point, you get a tourist destination as well. Sweet~ The place was seriously crowded, but it was a good place for cam-whores. (Not me, I'm normal).

Group pic xDD~~~

Group pic wif the under 21s xD

...and.... Ok there's a reason, but umm....

So moving on~ The whole place was a persuasion market. The entire walk-way was paved
not only with stone and rubble, but also with vendors. Rows and rows of canopies, some even doing sales on foot. And they are feaisty people. They just don't seem to give people a rest, pushing thier goods to us a pack of hungry wolves.

Ok so u hav the average soft toy alligators....

.... ninja plushies....

.....array of really pleasent flora....

...flora in a swan vase...

...and cacti.... real life cacti.... yay....

After that, its good old city life. Ok, I'll make this clear. If you're thinking this is some culture experiencing themed whatchamacallit tour, you'll be wrong. We didn't really go for the culture. Its shopping. xDDD Yup! Lots and lots of it. Branded designers, expensive merchandise, you name it! And the good food too. Its said that Indonesia houses a huge percentage of factories for big-timers like Nike and Adidas, and we were not dissapointed.

The mother load of all shoppers. Rumah Mode!!

Really interesting ambience, and its all in one building. Sweet~

We shopped so much that we were awarded this. Then guess what happened?

Mom decided to go in and grab another pair of blouses with it. Women...=.=''

Retarded and his not-retarded family taking photo outside Rumah Mode.

We spent Rp 3,500,000. Yes. MILLIONS! Muahahaha

We also headed here for the famous layered cakes...

....ok..... not ONLY layered cakes....

... what it looked like inside....

And after all that, you would most probably find something like this happening.....

Yea... Women be shopping.... Seriously, you don't wanna end up in their way, trust me. (Notice that it was already dark outside? Yea. The photo was taken in Rumah Mode the same nite. We visited the place twice.) =.='''

Then of course, with good shoppings, comes good food!!! xD Most of Indo Cuisine is spicy, but me-likey.

My favourite - Ikan Goreng Hot-Plate Style!

Ok... I noe... Its salad. Indos take sambal really seriously...

and... we managed to take it all down.. result?

His Dulan (Spicy Version) Face

And of course, stuffed chillies in fried bean-curd. =.=''

That's all for Bandung. I'll post the others about Puncak and Jakarta later on. Toodals!