Friday, January 9, 2009

Its Over

...... (sigh)

Warm winds of January brush by my window pane, shaking the dull green leafs of a tree I am yet to know the name of. So how long has it been? A month or so? Ever since it was over... I felt like the world has taken one hell of a turn for the better. But yet...

The final papers have been long but history. So, I decided to reward myself. An entire month of solitude. The occasional outings with close peers and family dinners, yes. But other times, its just Me, Myself and I (No thx to Chern Chiang persuading me to indulge in R.O). Lol. And through this time... I've been thinking. The past.... the present.. what lies ahead.... And the funny thing is... the more you go on pondering, wondering and thinking where you will set foot next... most of us tend to overlook one crucial thing. Small things. Things like promises to thoughen up, or settle down. To take up that hobby you've been holding back. Finish that long overdued library book. Well... That's what's been getting into me. After pumping every single brain cell of yours into achieving that one ultimate goal, and when all that pain, torment and you finally taste the bitter sweet tenderness of liberation... you're suddenly at a standstill. Where do you go next? What are your plans?

Its easy to say 'You should have thought about it sooner', and indeed I have. My mind was set. I wanted to achieve something. Something big. But when the time came to move the winning chess-piece, I find it no longer appealing. In fact, I was baffled. How could I have missed such an important detail? Damn, I should have seen it sooner.

Still, the holidays have been nothing short of a blast. Christmas was awesome. I had an entire weekend in the wonderfully serene island of Indonesia. Then we moved on to endless parties, reunions, so on and so forth. New Years Eve was splendid. I was actually sitting right under the fireworks display. Sweet~ I'll post the pictures up as soon as I can. But in the mean time, I feel like blabbering about.... things. You know... things that were never there when you were.. I dunno.. too busy to notice?

And I learned a lot. I got new goals. New visions. Polished and sorted out my can and can'ts, dos and don'ts. Doing catching up and all that. But still... One thing still hangs in the balance. Where do I go from here? Guess I'll have to figure it out soon... Results are bound to be announced around... was it the 3rd or the 5th of March? Not sure. Don't want to think about it.